Don't Let Drafts Steal Your Winter Warmth: Quick Fixes & Long-Term Solutions

A subtle chill in the air, a whisper of cold against your skin... a drafty window is the ultimate mood-killer during Vermont's long winters. But you don't have to resign yourself to a season of discomfort. Whether you're looking for a quick DIY fix or a lasting solution that will transform your home's energy efficiency, there are options to banish drafts and restore warmth to your living spaces.

DIY Draft Dodgers

If you're feeling a draft but aren't ready for a full window replacement, there are several DIY solutions that can offer immediate relief. Weatherstripping comes in various materials like foam, felt, and vinyl, and can be easily applied to the edges of windows to seal out drafts. Caulk can fill in larger gaps and cracks around window frames. Window insulation film is a clear plastic sheet that adheres to the window's interior, creating an additional barrier against cold air.

The Hidden Culprits

Sometimes, drafts don’t originate from the window itself but from the surrounding areas. Check for gaps around window trim, electrical outlets, or plumbing penetrations. Feel for cold air around baseboards or where the wall meets the ceiling. A professional home energy audit can identify these hidden air leaks and recommend solutions. Air sealing these areas can significantly improve your home's energy efficiency.

When DIY Isn’t Enough

If your windows are old, worn, or simply poorly designed, no amount of DIY fixes will completely eliminate drafts. In this case, replacement windows are the most effective long-term solution. New windows are designed to fit precisely and seal tightly, preventing air leaks and improving insulation. They're an investment that pays off in comfort and energy savings.

The Renewal By Andersen Advantage

Our windows are specifically designed to withstand Vermont's harsh winters. We use high-quality materials, superior craftsmanship, and innovative technology to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. With features like Fibrex® composite frames that won't warp or crack, advanced weatherstripping, and multiple panes of glass with insulating gas fills, our windows are a proven solution for keeping Vermont homes warm and cozy.


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Escape the Chill: How Replacement Windows Conquer Harsh Winters